What personal data we collect and why?
We like to make things easy for our customers and that includes being clear and open about how and why we use your personal information.
As a data controller, Tekbyte Limited may process personal data for the purposes of sales, marketing and support.


Contact forms
Information sent using the contact form on our web site is emailed to info@tekbyte.co.uk The contact details and comments provided by the visitor are stored in our encrypted database for as long as is required by both parties. Any comments entered may be filtered through an automated spam detection service


Who we share your data with
That’s easy, nobody why would we? You are our customer.


We like to keep our interaction with our customer base simple, so we don’t use them. There’s nothing worse than annoying marketing pop-ups and tick boxes to slow down what is more important to us, getting information to our potential customer base fast and to the point. Quite frankly we never understood why those messages always start with “We value your privacy” if that’s the case then don’t do it.


What rights you have over your data
Your rights as an individual are covered by GDPR and the Data Protection ACT 2018, information for this can be found both here
and here Government WebSite respectively.


What data breaches protocols we have in place
Notification of a breach of personal data will occur within 72 hours of our confirmation of a breach, as required by GDPR.


Our Privacy Promise
We never lose sight of the fact that your personal information is your personal information. Your privacy is important both to you and to us and we make the following promise to you. “Tekbyte Limited is committed to protecting your privacy”.
We believe in using your personal information to make things simpler and better for you. We will always keep your personal information safe. We’ll be clear and open with you about why we collect your personal information and how we use it. Where you have choices or rights, we’ll explain them to you and respect your wishes.